Day Breakers - Haiku

Haiku Version

The day breakers rise 

Separating night from day 

I prefer sleep

From the anthology: Things with Wings, 2001 The Wild Angels

Sandra Lee Schubert © All Rights Reserved, 2024

Writing for Life: Creating a Story of Your Own 

Creative Vagabond

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Day Breakers


There are those who separate night from day. 

Greeting dawn with anticipation

They are golden people, light bearers of the world.

I am not one of these ...

I pull night over me, a trusted friend. I am crimson and gold

I am in the company of demons and angels drawn into the center of the dark night (of the soul.) I fall, I reel ...  Oh sweet night. .. Oh saving grace

Wild 'angels I call on thee... lift me from this wild imagining Rise, they say, child of God, greet this night,

Do not languish in your mourning bed...

Rise; lift up thine eyes from the burning dark.

Look to the swirling stars, the poetic moon, break it open ... At night, I am crimson and gold,

Embered, a soft glow in the velvet darkness

I will have my churning dreams and tormented heart

Let the day breakers have their brilliant light and Marian blue Give me this sweet night, this tender passage

Wild Angels I call on thee O' my soul,

O' my soul.

From the anthology: Things with Wings, 2001 The Wild Angels

Sandra Lee Schubert © All Rights Reserved, 2024

Writing for Life: Creating a Story of Your Own 

Transforming Ideas into Engaging Content. Articles. Courses. Blogs. E-Books. Social Media. Text Us. 347-418-1157